
Kate R. Morris
2 min readSep 19, 2018

Lights up on a sequence:

1. woman struggles to share the depth of hurt over a recent breakup on facebook, in order to seek relief or just not feel as isolated in her grief.

2. woman second guesses this impulse because she’s polyamorous and it’s hard to be out about such a “fad” lifestyle.

2.5 woman is worried people will judge her for hurting, misunderstand her public hurt, misunderstand how she can still hurt for weeks even though she has other partners.

3. woman turns struggle into a play in order to remove the reality, to turn it into theatre, into a shareable piece of human experience.

4. woman wonders if posting this will work

5. woman wonders if warping reality into theatre dulls the pain after three weeks of trying other ways of processing.

6. all the things left unsaid in the void of this broken relationship wait in the wings of the play until called for.

7. they are never called for, but they remain part of the play.

8. silence overtakes the play while woman waits to have a conversation with her ex that never comes.

9. only one side of that conversation is in the play, and it’s the boring side because it’s her side, the side she knows already.

10. depression enters stage left, briefly, leaving a puddle.

11. the stage manager calls for the house lights to come up, making everyone witnessing the play notice themselves as much as the woman performing her play. Everything gets more unreal, more removed.

12. the play waits for the heartache to dissipate along with the suspension of disbelief, out here, on stage, in the light, with everybody else.

13. when it doesn’t, the lights go out, the play ends, and the woman hits ‘share.’ otherwise it isn’t a play, is it.



Kate R. Morris

Wants to talk about theatre, writing, and existence with you. Can also be spotted at krmorris.com